Sunday, September 8, 2013

SACC Club News

Grayville Primary School, 101 Grayville Parkway, Grayville, Missouri 60000
September 2013
Youth Instructional Team for September
Angie, Matthew, Amie, Emily, Morgan, and Stephanie
Regional Office News  
  • Fall 1 Classes begin September 9.
  • Youth Lock-In, Saturday, September 14, from 6:30-9:30pm.  Call The Regional Office for details.   
  • Cinema Night will be held at 7:00 pm on September 20.
Trivia for Today
Did you know Crayola markers are recyclable?  Visit to sign up.
Site News
Service Project
Through the month of September, we will be collecting metal cans for recycling to raise money for Shriner's Children’s Hospital. Our goal is to fill a cooler with the metal which will score approximately $100 in scrap metal for the cause.

Happy Birthday
8-Jayden P.
18-Amirah B.
19-Jenna K.
20-Matthew M.
21-Parrish M.

28-and Mitchell L.

Dates to Remember
8/27: Picture Day
8/30: No School; observation of Labor Day
9/2: No School; observation of Labor Day
9/19: 3 Hour Early Release begins at 12:30.

Family Life
Family Activity Calendar
Use colored removable dots to indicate family activities.  Designate a specific color, such as red for family time at regular intervals each week.  As the year goes by watch carefully how many hours a week your child commits to other color activities such as sports, entertainment, and academics.  With a little cooperation, children will learn to budget time each week for activities which are most important. 

Family Fitness

Rope Challenge
Help your kids get warmed up for vigorous play or exercise by stretching with a jump rope.  Try these quick and easy exercises.

Reed Stretch: Alternate standing on the rope with one foot as you pull the rope high towards the ceiling with both hands. 

Seated Pull: with legs outstretched and together in front of you, center the rope across the bottom of your arches and lean back with your weight pulling back up with your arms pulling on the jump rope. 

Back Vertical Pull: With one hand grasping one end of a jump rope behind your neck and your dominant hand grasping the dangling rope at approximately your lower back, pull the rope skyward as your dominant hand pulls floor-ward. 
Family Food
Here's a sweet dip that takes just a few minutes to make. Mix a small container (15 1/2 ounces) of low-fat ricotta cheese with 4 tablespoons of peanut, almond, or soy-nut butter and 2 tablespoons of honey. Serve with crackers, pretzels, or raw vegetables.
Source: Tracey Gentner, Healthy Habits for Kids,


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